• Elizabeth Youth Soccer Travel Players Wanted!

    Spots are still available!
    Now is the time to sign up and tryout!
    Looking for both Girls and Boys

    Contact the appropriate teams for tryout info!
    Team Contacts
  • Recreation Soccer

    2024 Fall Registration is now open.

    Recreation Program starts September 16th!!
    Registration Ends August 29th!!
    Click below for registration dates and locations!

    More Info
  • U19 Champions!

    Congratulations on a job well done!

  • Congratulations!

    Our Firebirds have won the MNJYSA Flight 1
    with an undefeated season! 10 wins 0 losses!!

    They followed it up with a trip to the finals
    Of the EDP Fall Showcase!

    Job well done! Keep up the good work!!

Elizabeth Soccer - News

2025 Fall Rec Registration

EYS is happy to announce our 2025 Spring Recreation Soccer program enrollment will open on February 1st. We will be accepting all boys and girls to our program during this enrollment period. Registration will take place until February 27th. After that we will only accept children as space allows. Please do not wait till the last moment to register.

As a reminder, the Spring Recreation Program will be an 8 week outdoor program with practice once during the week and on Saturday mornings. The cost will be $150. If you participated in the fall recreation program we are offering a $25 discount. We will be accepting children born between 2009 and 2020. The season will start the week of April 7th and run through June 7th.

For children new to our program you will need to bring the following in order to register your child:
Copy of their birth certificate
Full Payment ($150)

For children that participated in our fall program you will only need to bring the following in order to register your child:
Full Payment ($150)

In Person Registration will take place on the following dates and times:
Tuesday, February 11th from 6:30pm to 8:30pm at School #30 (730 Pennsylvania Ave. Elizabeth, NJ 07201) - Enter through gym doors in parking lot
Saturday, February 15th from 10:00am to 12:30pm at Miller Evans Logan Recreation Center (161 First St. Elizabeth, NJ 07206)
Thursday, February 27th (Last Day to Register) from 6:30pm to 8:30pm at School #26 (1014 S. Elmora Ave. Elizabeth, NJ 07201) - Enter through red gym doors on side of building

If you cannot make those dates or if you have any further questions please contact Mike Silva, our Recreation Director.

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